Is everything organic? We try our best to get the highest quality ingredients for our clients, going to multiple grocery stores just to make sure. We always choose organic when available.

Can I text or email you my orders? I would love to be able to say yes to this and talk to all my wonderful clients, but it’s just not practical. I’m usually cooking all day and taking care of 2 small kiddos at night so it’s too easy to forget something and make mistakes. Ordering on our website means everything is in one place and everyone on our team can access your order.

How do I use referral codes, promo codes or gift cards? Shoot us an email and we’ll manually apply it for you.

Can you make custom desserts? Of course! Reach out to us with what you’d like and we’ll let you know timing and pricing. This includes desserts that are gluten free, egg free, etc. – we can make them custom for you.

Do you do weddings, baby showers, lunch & learns, corporate outings, drop-off catering, rehearsal dinners, 50th birthday parties? We do it all - just reach out and let us know what you need and we’ll let you know what we can do. Decide on your date, timing, head count and budget range before reaching out in order to get accurate cost estimate.